Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ben jij dé Finance Assistant

Voor de nieuwe structuur die we bij PeopleXS gaan geven aan hoe we finance doen zijn we op zoek naar een Finance Assistant. Als financial assistant ben je na een korte inwerkperiode verantwoordelijk voor de bank, debiteuren en crediteurenadministratie. Je zal onder andere zorgdragen voor het inscannen, coderen, inboeken en filen van de inkoopfacturen van onze leveranciers, het verwerken van licenties en verkoopfacturen aan onze klanten, beheren en bewaken van de debiteuren- en contractadministratie, het verzorgen van betalingen en assisteren in de maandafsluitingen. Er is mogelijkheid voor een part-time dienstverband.

Jij bent…
Jij bent initiatiefrijk en je beschikt over een gezonde dosis verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel. Jij bent flexibel, ambitieus en hebt een creatieve geest. Verder ben jij accuraat, zelfstandig, en proactief waarbij je goed prioriteiten kunt stellen en snel kunt schakelen.

…de financial assistant van PeopleXS
De financial assistant van PeopleXS heeft gedegen kennis van en ervaring met MS Office. Kennis van Twinfield beschouwen wij als pluspunt. De financial assistant van PeopleXS heeft naast een afgeronde MBO/MBO+ opleiding, enkele jaren ervaring in een soortgelijke functie en past binnen een jonge en ambitieuze organisatie.

Ben je dé financial assistant met creatieve geest? Stuur dan je CV met motivatie naar: finance@peoplexs.com

The cirkel is complete

As of the end of february this year the cirkel has been completed! What cirkel? The job I was once deseperately trying to leave because I had seen too many numbers has now come back for me. Only this time I get to do it the way I like it. For my own company. PeopleXS is now at a stage where we need good focus on the expansions planned. Ofcourse I cannot say too much about it, because then I would have to ... you.

Anyway. It was a logical step for me to say: "I'll do it!" I had already been involved in this part of the company since inception and now we are making big plans to move ahead, so it was no more then 'common sense' to step back into this role and set out the course to sail. With february quite a ways behind us now we are well on our way. Plans have been set out and decisions made. We will start recruiting soon for additional roles within our finance area. Keep an eye on this blog and our jobs section on the PeopleXS website. Once again we are up for a fun ride! So the cirkel is complete for me to be back in finance, but it will most likely be just a matter of time before I break the habit and come up with new ideas to explore and a great person to fill my shoes in this role!

PeopleXS looking for (lead) developers

PeopleXS (The Hague, Netherlands) is looking for a ColdFusion lead developer and multiple ColdFusion developers. Details posted online here.

The Hague (Rijswijk), The Netherlands

We are currently looking for a ColdFusion Lead Developer for our development team. The ColdFusion Lead Developer works closely together with our implementation consultants, sales force and product managers, and guides the way to put vision into practice.

We are a young, high-tech and innovative company and although the company was founded already back in 1999 there is still a high start-up atmosphere in the team. We like it when things move fast and love to chase good ideas as a team. Just for the fun of it ! We have used (better: breathed) ColdFusion since version 4.0, really love it and value what it means for our company. Our idea of a good company-party would be to attend to a MAX conference and meet ColdFusion guru's and exchange ideas with fellow developers.

From a ColdFusion Lead Developer we expect:

-Three or more years of experience in ColdFusion MX
-Experience in frameworks and Design Patterns

It would be a plus if you also have experience in Javascript, MySQL, Linux, and speak and write the Dutch language.

Interested? Contact Leo Scheltinga at info@peoplexs.com or by phone +45 20450902.