Friday, November 30, 2007

Computable: Personeel in een zucht gevonden

PeopleXS levert online software voor werving en selectie

Personeelinformatiesystemen zijn vaak complex en star. Het bedrijf PeopleXS beweert met zijn ‘online recruitment software’ slechts een implementatietijd van maximaal vijf dagen te hanteren. Gebruikers kunnen profielen en processen zelf aanpassen.

Werving en selectie lijkt een standaardproces. Cv’s komen de organisatie binnen, worden gekoppeld aan openstaande vacatures en beoordeeld. Daarna wordt de kandidaat uitgenodigd voor een, twee of drie gesprekken. Op verschillende momenten in het proces kan de kandidaat worden afgewezen of aangenomen. Globaal werkt het bij de meeste organisaties zo. Toch zijn softwareleveranciers vaak maanden bezig om hun software af te stemmen op de workflow van de klant. Wie is wanneer betrokken in het proces? Welke informatie bepaalt wie de juiste kandidaat is? Wat voor eisen heeft een specifieke functie? Het op maat maken en invoeren van personeelsinformatiesystemen die zo flexibel met data kunnen omgaan duurt daarom vaak maanden. Dit is niet meer nodig, volgens PeopleXS..... b

Wealth Mastery, London November 15 - 18, 2007

Essential strategies for financial freedom are important in your wealth mastery. Allthough wealth includes a whole lot more than financial freedom it is good to have a solid plan in place. "If you don't know where your going , any road will take you there" or moreover you will never get there! Wealth also includes gratitude for the things you have today and will eliminate all the fear that withholds you from getting where you want to go.

Wealth Mastery was a great experience of meeting new friends and breaking through on new personal grounds.

Expansion Switserland

PeopleXS, the fastest growing Dutch on-demand provider of e-recruitment and talent management systems announces the opening of the Swiss office, starting September. Earlier this year, PeopleXS opened an office in Copenhagen, Denmark. The new Swiss office is located in the Zurich area in the place Wollerau.
The new subsidiary is led by an experienced specialist Stefan Langedijk, who is assigned Managing Director, Switzerland starting September 4, 2007. The business expansion to Switzerland is an important part of PeopleXS’ growth strategy.
Eelco Scheltinga, Operations Director PeopleXS Holding Netherlands: “the decision to expand our activities to central Europe opens up an entire new market for PeopleXS. Switzerland is an exceptionally interesting growth market for PeopleXS and the ‘Software-as-a-service’ concept. With Stefan as experienced and successful professional, and our proven recruitment solution, we have all the right ingredients to become successful in Central Europe.”
Stefan Langedijk has over 10 years experience in Service Delivery in several branches amongst which IT and recruitment. Langedijk: “I am confident that the Swiss market is ready for a service provider as PeopleXS, to introduce a solid and proven alternative. Switzerland has been provided up till now with costly HR applications that are difficult to implement and need a long time to be up and running. PeopleXS supplies a disruptive alternative at low cost, the promise of a 5 day implementation and a high measure of flexibility, as key elements of the solution."